What is God’s Love?
God’s love is immaculate
God’s love is perfect
God’s love is forever

God’s love can make it better
God’s love can turn it around
God’s love can see the light in the midst of your darkness
God’s love is forever

God’s love can surround the whole universe
God’s love can create a man or woman
God’s love can create everything a man can create, only more

God’s love can take away pain
God’s love can perform miracles
God’s love is here with us
God’s love is asking us truth

Who are we?
What are we here to do?
Do we have a Father who loves us?
Did He really die for our sins?

Wow.  That’s love.

A man who would sacrifice Himself and experience everything we go through. Wow.  That’s love.

A man who was innocent, with no faults, but only endured the pain of His people.
A man who saw something troubling His people and stepped down from His royal throne.
A man who walked the walk and talked the talk only to be beaten down for His Father in Heaven and His Divine purpose of saving the world.

Yes.  That’s love. A man who has everything, who understands everything, who sees everything, and loves everything.

A man who sacrifices Himself for His children because they do not know any better. Wow.  That’s love.

That’s my Father’s Love.


Written by: Kristen J. McKenzie

PROPHETIC WORD:  Addiction Recovery

God created you

Do not be afraid, I AM with you.
Don’t worry, I won’t let go of you.

Angels:  You’re not ignorant…you’re an addict.  God has a special place for an addict.  He understands them.  He knows where they’ve been.  He knows what happened in their life that was not right. He knows what genes they are dealing with.  He knows their friends and what is best for them.  He knows your heart.  He knows who you are because He created you. He remembers when you were happy.  He remembers who you are and He sees everything you do not see…

GOD:  I love the addict.  The addict is not an addict to Me, they are Mine. An addict will destroy his life.  My children do not destroy their life.  They remember them. They remember who they are and who I AM to them.  They know what I said to them and they see to it that it gets done.  They do not run from Me.  They sit down and talk to Me.  They tell Me what they like and they do not like about their lives.  They ask Me for help.  They know I AM there to help them no matter what…that I WILL NOT forsake them.  I AM a guarantee.  I AM a promise of hope.  I will give you peace.  I will have mercy on you because you are learning.  Everyone makes mistakes.  They are no better than you.  They are not allowed to make fun of you because they do not know who you are.  

I see a good person.  I see them as Mine.  I know who they are and what they are on the Earth to do for Me.  They ALL have a chance. They ALL start from the very bottom and work their way back to Me.  I will destroy the enemy.  He WILL NOT get away with his deception.  He tells you lies when I tell you truth.  He mocks Me and changes My Word to his benefit.  He is not for you, he is against Me.  I AM done with him…NOW.  



Thank you Jesus!!!  You are good.  AMEN.

PROPHETIC WORD:  Sexual Immorality

WARNING:  This blogpost is for mature audiences (18+ years old) because of its content.  If you are under the age of 18, please exit this blogpost NOW.

God:  Sexual immorality is not accepted.  Pornography is not accepted.  No one is allowed in my House with that kind of garbage.  It is an abomination to Me.  You are not allowed to touch people no matter what.  You are not allowed to keep your eyes open.  I said, “close them.”  When someone forces you to have sex with them, it is against Me.  When you are not married, it is not right at all.  I am not going listen to this anymore!  He lies to you all the time.  You have no idea what he’s doing to you.  You have no idea how much this hurts Me.  I told you to wait for marriage.  I told you to listen to Me.  I told you who to marry.  I told you if you listen to Me, you would know truth.  I am saving you from heartache.  I KNOW who is worthy of you.  You are not allowed to take it for granted.  You are not allowed to tell Me “no.”  I told you I would save you.  I told you I would let you know truth.  I told you I would NEVER leave you.  I told you I would be back.  I am planning on coming back.  I am planning on taking all of this from you.  I don’t know why you don’t listen to Me.  I don’t know why you don’t understand truth.  Why don’t you see the things he is doing to you?  Why don’t you see what his motives are?  He hates Me.  He wants to see Me fail.  I will not fail.  I have NEVER failed at anything and I WILL NOT fail at this.  I AM going to save My people.  I am going to tell them truth.  I want them to know about these things.  I want them to come back to Me.  I need them to make a choice.  I need them to decide.  Do they love Me?  Do they see Me all around?  I want them to know I won’t hurt them.  I want them to see the things I see.  I want them to know more…


Thank You Jesus!!!  AMEN.

armor of God sword

We are all soldiers of God.  This life is a spiritual war zone.  We are constantly fighting for our spiritual freedom.  The devil is always working against us.  He is very real.  He knows Jesus Christ very well and he knows he is running out of time.  He is always thinking of things He can do to hurt us.

He says:  This one doesn’t know God.  He/she isn’t saved.  They do not know truth.  I will lie to them and they will believe me.  I will turn them away from God and they will never see it coming.

We have to be smart.  We have to know what to do when we find ourselves in a dangerous situation.  We must be protected.  We must know truth.  We must be strong.  We must have the strongest faith we have ever known.  So, how do we protect ourselves?  We need the Full Armor of God.

Ephesians 6:10-18 (ESV)

10 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints…”

The Full Armor of God consists of 7 things:

✴️ You must plant your feet in preparation for the Gospel of Peace

✴️ You must put on the helmet of salvation

✴️ You must put on the breastplate of righteousness

✴️ You must tighten your belt of truth

✴️ You must put up your shield of faith

✴️ You must fight with the Sword of the Spirit

✴️ You must remember to Pray (Supplication & Prayer)

Once you have achieved these things, God will part the sea. God always gets what He wants.  When you are aligned with His purpose, you are aligned with Him.  Then, we are fully protected with the White Light of Holy Spirit.  God sends us His warrior angels to protect us and His guardian angels to keep us safe.

He enters the room and says:  No, no, devil.  Not today…they are Mine.  Stay back.

The devil has no choice.  He runs to his house and thinks of something else he can do to God and His people.  God knows truth.  He only wants us to be prepared for the future.  He is only warning us of what is to come.  The devil lies and he is not allowed or hurt you.  God is coming back to get us because God NEVER breaks His Promises.

Are you ready?  Do you know who He is?  Have you lived your life accordingly?  If you do not know the answer to these questions, I would highly recommend you finding out soon.  You may not even know what you’re getting ready for…or even know His Name.  If no one ever taught you how to be good…are God’s expectations the same for you as they are for someone else?  God can only judge you and I really hope you don’t go on living your life against God when you don’t know how to talk to Him.

Good Luck & God Bless.