PROPHETIC WORD:  Addiction Recovery

God created you

Do not be afraid, I AM with you.
Don’t worry, I won’t let go of you.

Angels:  You’re not ignorant…you’re an addict.  God has a special place for an addict.  He understands them.  He knows where they’ve been.  He knows what happened in their life that was not right. He knows what genes they are dealing with.  He knows their friends and what is best for them.  He knows your heart.  He knows who you are because He created you. He remembers when you were happy.  He remembers who you are and He sees everything you do not see…

GOD:  I love the addict.  The addict is not an addict to Me, they are Mine. An addict will destroy his life.  My children do not destroy their life.  They remember them. They remember who they are and who I AM to them.  They know what I said to them and they see to it that it gets done.  They do not run from Me.  They sit down and talk to Me.  They tell Me what they like and they do not like about their lives.  They ask Me for help.  They know I AM there to help them no matter what…that I WILL NOT forsake them.  I AM a guarantee.  I AM a promise of hope.  I will give you peace.  I will have mercy on you because you are learning.  Everyone makes mistakes.  They are no better than you.  They are not allowed to make fun of you because they do not know who you are.  

I see a good person.  I see them as Mine.  I know who they are and what they are on the Earth to do for Me.  They ALL have a chance. They ALL start from the very bottom and work their way back to Me.  I will destroy the enemy.  He WILL NOT get away with his deception.  He tells you lies when I tell you truth.  He mocks Me and changes My Word to his benefit.  He is not for you, he is against Me.  I AM done with him…NOW.  



Thank you Jesus!!!  You are good.  AMEN.

PROPHETIC WORD:  Sexual Immorality

WARNING:  This blogpost is for mature audiences (18+ years old) because of its content.  If you are under the age of 18, please exit this blogpost NOW.

God:  Sexual immorality is not accepted.  Pornography is not accepted.  No one is allowed in my House with that kind of garbage.  It is an abomination to Me.  You are not allowed to touch people no matter what.  You are not allowed to keep your eyes open.  I said, “close them.”  When someone forces you to have sex with them, it is against Me.  When you are not married, it is not right at all.  I am not going listen to this anymore!  He lies to you all the time.  You have no idea what he’s doing to you.  You have no idea how much this hurts Me.  I told you to wait for marriage.  I told you to listen to Me.  I told you who to marry.  I told you if you listen to Me, you would know truth.  I am saving you from heartache.  I KNOW who is worthy of you.  You are not allowed to take it for granted.  You are not allowed to tell Me “no.”  I told you I would save you.  I told you I would let you know truth.  I told you I would NEVER leave you.  I told you I would be back.  I am planning on coming back.  I am planning on taking all of this from you.  I don’t know why you don’t listen to Me.  I don’t know why you don’t understand truth.  Why don’t you see the things he is doing to you?  Why don’t you see what his motives are?  He hates Me.  He wants to see Me fail.  I will not fail.  I have NEVER failed at anything and I WILL NOT fail at this.  I AM going to save My people.  I am going to tell them truth.  I want them to know about these things.  I want them to come back to Me.  I need them to make a choice.  I need them to decide.  Do they love Me?  Do they see Me all around?  I want them to know I won’t hurt them.  I want them to see the things I see.  I want them to know more…


Thank You Jesus!!!  AMEN.


Thanksgiving Day is when people from all over the nation gather together to spend time with family. Everyone knows they will see family they haven’t seen all year. There is so much food. Men cook turkey and ham on the grill, while women prepare the casseroles and dressing. Everyone has adds cranberry sauce and eats chocolate cake for dessert. The family sits down together and watches the Thanksgiving parade and football games. Everyone seems to be happy. Kids get bundled up and ask permission to play outside. People really come together and appreciate what they have.

Thanksgiving Day was originally celebrated when the Indians taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate their land in order to provide wholesome crops. The Pilgrims were a group of religious separatists from Plymouth, England that wanted more freedom for their faith. They first landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts. When they came to America, many did not survive. They were weak due to malnutrition, scurvy, and contagious disease. An Indian man, Squanto, forged an alliance with the native Wampanoag tribe. He also taught them how to grow squash and corn, fish, and avoid poisonous plants. The Pilgrims never would have survived if it weren’t for this Indian man. We would never know true religious freedom if it weren’t for his teachings. Thanksgiving is celebrated today in remembrance of Squanto’s good heart and knowledge of surviving harsh conditions. He knew the land and he was taught by his family, how to survive.
We are taught in the same way, how to survive by Jesus Christ. He has been here for thousands of years. He knows exactly where the good crops are. He knows what water to drink and not to drink. He knows what diseases will kill you. He knows how to avoid wild animals. He only asks us to listen. He has written a book, telling us what is good and what is not good. God told us a long time ago it would not be easy.

God: For many years My people have struggled. They have to struggle for Me. It is very necessary. I’m not happy with Satan. No one understands the trouble I’ve seen. Some people won’t listen to Me. I love them. I wish they would listen to Me.

Jesus needs us to know truth. He needs us to know that He loves us and He only wants the best for us as His children. He wants us to have a personal relationship with him like we deserve. He wants us to ask Him for help. God loves to be thanked. After all, He did create the Universe. He does keep each and everyone of us breathing everyday. He makes sure that no asteroids or meteors hit our planet. He makes sure that our car starts. God makes sure we smile at the little things He does for us. When we see His Name, we take a moment and thank Him. When we see His people learning new things, we should tell Him thank You. When our arms and legs work, we should thank Him. When we have food on the table, we should thank Him. Everything comes from Heaven. All good things come from Jesus Christ. God loves it when you are happy. God hates it when you are sad. He knows what makes you laugh. He knows exactly who makes you cry.

God: Don’t worry My child, tomorrow will be better. I’m sorry you have to experience this. I will not hurt you. Satan hurts you. I’m not happy at all with Satan. He is the root of all evil. I promise he will be going away. When they don’t take Me seriously, I despise it. They don’t know how much danger they’re in. They will see death. Death is not good. Never underestimate the power of life without Jesus Christ. I don’t want to see that. I need you to look within yourselves and find truth in your heart. Do you love Me? Do you see good things in your heart? Do you see what I see? Tell Me truth. When I ask you these things, do you feel Me? Some of you do…some of you don’t…but I love you both. I don’t pick favorites. I choose them. When you work for Me, I choose you. I love you. Can you work for Me? I need them to know truth. I need them to remember Me. I need them to remember who they are. If they do not remember these things, they will be judged accordingly. No one wants that. I hate that, but it is so.  It’s so difficult for some to even say My Name.  They don’t know Me. Some people hurt others and I’m not happy at all about this. Everyone has a chance. I wish they would listen to Me. They don’t know how much I love them. I promise they will be happy. I promise I know happy. I know happiness no matter what. Happiness is what makes Me happy. Listen to Me. Be yourself. Love each other. Never underestimate the Power of Jesus Christ. I will save you if you know Me. Never forget who you are. Never offend Me. Know that you will be forgiven. I’m not happy with Satan. He has always been against Me. I hate his plans for your life. I won’t let it happen. He wants you to suffer. I don’t want him to suffer either. The time is near. The hour is approaching. His time is up. He has no life after that. You will not join him. He will not join you. He will never win this battle. You can lose though. You can forget who you are. Never underestimate the Power of Jesus Christ. Never underestimate the Power of the Blood of the Lamb. Never underestimate the Power of God as your Father in Heaven. Never underestimate the Power of the Cross. Never underestimate the power of learning new things. Never underestimate the power of new beginnings. Never underestimate your faith in Jesus Christ. Never underestimate the things you have heard today. Thank you for understanding.

Love, God

Thank You Jesus Christ. AMEN. Hallelujah. Praise The Lord! You are good!

Good Luck & God Bless.

We Are All God's Children

We must remember that we are always under God. He is always above us. He is wiser than us. He remembers everything. We are not responsible for what other people do, but we are responsible for ourselves.

Remember who you are in your heart. Remember you are just a child of God who’s had a lot of experience with how the world works. You know what makes people happy. You know how to pray. You know what paths not to take. You know so many things. However, one thing remains…Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ raises us from birth. He is there with us the whole way, guiding us and teaching us. He protects us when we are in danger. He comforts us when we are sad. The good thing about Jesus is that He never leaves your side. He will assist you in Heaven and He will assist you on the Earth. He is always watching over us as His children. When we are done with this life, He will raise our children. He will even raise their children. He is going to around us for a very long time. When we soften our heart to the situation and tell God that we understand, He will bless you. He loves our child-like behavior. He is happy that you understand how important it is to be nice to your brothers and sisters. He expects you to try your best and only your best.

God: You are my children. Do what I say. I will tell you what to do. I AM with you. I will never leave you like your father may have left you. I AM so proud of you. Thank you. They are good in My Eyes. No matter what, they will always be Mine. I have been with them since the day they were born. My children have experienced many difficulties and had many joys. I do not want anyone to be left behind. You will be saved because I love you. Never underestimate the Power of Jesus Christ making up His Mind. Everyone is equal. Do not treat yourself badly. Jesus understands. I promise.


Thank You Jesus!!!  AMEN.

Jesus Christ and His people

Are you saved by the Blood of the Lamb?  One day, we will see the End of Times. We are approaching this day very quickly. It’s so important that we are prepared for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!  He has already warned us of the Apocalypse.  He made us a promise that He would come back for us one day.  I think some people have forgotten about our Lord’s Promise.  They must think this day is never going to come.  Well, I am warning you…HE IS COMING VERY SOON!!!  Even if our children’s children see the Second Coming, that is so soon.  It burdens my heart to see all of our brothers and sisters in Christ in so much danger.  They really are in danger of being thrown into the Lake of Fire.  They will eventually perish if they do not believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

It took me awhile to finally grasp the fact that our Father in Heaven would allow His people to perish into the Lake of Fire.  I kept reading the Scripture over and over again.

Revelations 20:9-10 (ESV)

And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them, and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

I prayed about this for a long time.  Then, I finally realized the truth…

God:  The time is near.  They must repent of their sins.  They do not know what it does to them.  They have no idea how much he (Satan) has planned for them.  Be patient.  Repent is a powerful word for Me.

I quickly looked up the definition of repent.

Repent:   To feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one’s wrongdoing or sin.

God is telling us that He hears us.  When we ask Him to forgive us of our sins, we are forgiven.  Forgiveness is a pardon because we have repented of our sins.  We told God that we have honestly made a mistake.  We know better now and we do not want to suffer the consequences in our hearts.  We need to know that we are forgiven so that we can move on.  It’s so important that we sincerely have remorse for what we have done.  If we don’t care to learn from our mistakes, we are not being very honest.  Therefore, we are not spiritually growing as God’s children.  When we repent of our sins, we are sincerely promising God that we will try to change our behavior.  We know now that whatever we have done against God is no good for us and our brothers and sisters in Christ.  We must make major decisions to change our lives.

God:  I am not happy with Satan at all for hurting My people.  He lies to them.  I wish they would listen.  Never underestimate the Power of Jesus Christ.  Tell them truth.  I told you truth.  I’m thankful I have someone who listens.  Thank you. 


Thank You Jesus!  AMEN.

Good Luck & God Bless.